Book a stall

If you would like to trade at our market, then please complete these steps:

  1. Read the Information for Stallholders at Sherwood and Sneinton.
  2. Read the Terms and Conditions for Stallholders.
  3. Register your Business.
  4. Check the latest prices and make a booking at Sherwood or Sneinton.


Last updated 14th July 2024

Sherwood, 10th August 2024

There are a spaces available indoors and outdoors in all zones.

Rest of 2024

Sherwood: There are pitches available in all areas for most dates.

Sneinton: No decicion has yet been made whether to continue the market after the 3 trial dates April to June. It may run on the first Saturday of the month from September to December. Watch this space.

The upcoming dates are:

  • Sherwood, 10th August 2024
  • Sherwood, 14th September 2024
  • Sherwood, 12th October 2024
  • Sherwood, 9th November 2024
  • Sherwood, 14th December 2024

Trader Feedback

“Very impressed with the market organisation Adrian, this has to be the best organised market I’ve worked in over 5 yrs of trading, Well done.”

“Thank you for having us on Saturday, we had a great day! It was one of the best run and organised events we’ve had the pleasure of trading at in a long time so thank you!”