We’ll be recruiting volunteers who might want to help us with activities in the city.
Tag archives: Charity
Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust
The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust makes grants to cover course-fees and essential study expenses for student midwives in Liberia who would not otherwise have sufficient funds to become qualified midwives.We raise funds to pay for the grants through donations, standing orders, bequests, grants and events and through the sale of arts and crafts in our …
The Woodland Trust
Founded in 1972 the Woodland Trust is the largest woodland conservation charity and a leading voice in bringing the UK’s trees and woodlands to the attention of Government, land owners and the public. With a supporter base of half a million they were the first and remain the most significant contributor to woodland protections, restoration …
Burrowed Hearts Animal Rescue
We have flyers/booklets about rabbit care, flyers advertising our charity that takes in unwanted rabbits & rodents and we have greetings cards and notebooks for sale.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trusts
A stall to promote the work of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Advice on wildlife gardening, volunteering and membership.