Hogg Norton Fruit Liqueurs

We are a Fruit Liqueur Producer based in the Peak District, Derbyshire and we are passionate about our products. We make our liqueurs using the freshest fruit possible mostly from our own farm and gardens or the local area. We do not use any additives or preservatives so all the colour and flavour comes just …

When Pigs Escape – Documentary

An information stall about the upcoming documentary When Pigs Escape, which is about the story of Matilda, a pig who attracted worldwide attention after escaping from a farm in Nottinghamshire to give birth to her piglets in the woods. There will be a collection tin for donations and small items of merchandise, such as postcards …

The Woodland Trust

Founded in 1972 the Woodland Trust is the largest woodland conservation charity and a leading voice in bringing the UK’s trees and woodlands to the attention of Government, land owners and the public. With a supporter base of half a million they were the first and remain the most significant contributor to woodland protections, restoration …

Origin Kitchen

Plant-based company that make dairy style alternatives. Currently have two ranges, our savoury style spreads and mousse style dessert. Origin Kitchen products are also available from The V Spot vegan supermarket.


Caribbean influenced home cooked 100% vegan food. Hot vegan meals, sides and homemade jerk sauce. View food hygiene rating.